Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Have Another Graduate

Cason graduated from kindergarten on May 27th. This was definitely bittersweet for me! I am so proud of Cason for all his hard work during kindergarten, but am so sad that my baby is growing up:( Before I know it, I'll be posting his high school graduation pictures-tear drop inserted here!

Cason is ready to get this show on the road!

He is waiting for his name to be called while Mrs. Channon ties his shoe:)

Superintendent Talbert hands Cason his diploma. While the kids were walking across the stage, Miss Lina, the principal, said what each child told their teacher what they wanted to be when they grew up. Cason said he wanted to be a concrete seller just like his daddy and his brother. They were all going to be in business together. Too cute!

Mrs. Channon's 209-2010 Kindergarten Class (Cason is 4th from the left)

Cason in the middle & his best friend Ryan is on the very right

After all the kids received their diplomas they sang several songs. Maddie videoed for me, and I guess she got distracted because the video camera is all over the place, but you can still hear them sing. Every time I listen, it brings tears to my eyes. Those babies are sooo sweet!

One of the moves during the song

And another move...Cason may not be a concrete seller after all

The Lorena Kindergarten Class of 2010 & The Lorena High School Class of 2022

Cason & his friends Blake, a girl who he doesn't remember her name, & Braylon. Corey took the picture & he said Cason told the little girl "Boys only please." Evidently, the little girl didn't listen because she weaseled her way in the picture.

Mrs. Channon and Cason
Our little family

My sweet boys

Mom & Dad with the graduate

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