Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Camps Galore

The first month of our summer vacation was full of various sports camps. The first camp was the Lorena Baseball Camp. Jackson was the only one that able to attend this camp because of the age limit. I was planning on taking pictures on the last day of camp, but it rained that day & the camp was held inside the gym. So, the pictures I did get aren't too great:(

The next week of summer break was filled with Lorena Volleyball Camp for Maddie, while the boys had the week off. The only picture I got of volleyball camp was of Maddie & her friends, Sara, Lauren, Caroline, & MaKalynn. Maddie decided that volleyball wasn't her thing & that she would stick with basketball. My mom & I are working on her though!

Lorena Basketball Camp was up next for Jackson & Cason. Once again, I didn't get too many pictures:( I did have a valid excuse this time-I had cellulitis of the face, but that's a whole other post & I will not be posting pictures of my face during this time!
Here is Cason with his Lorena Basketball Camp t-shirt & basketball.
And Jackson with his basketball, t-shirt, & the ribbons he won for skills contests!
My Lorena basketball boys

While the boys were at Lorena Basketball Camp, Maddie was attending Kim Mulkey's Lady Bear Basketball Camp. This was an awesome camp! Maddie learned a lot, had fun, and got to meet some pretty cool players and coaches!
Maddie with some of the Lady Bear Basketball Players
Gracie, Maddie, Caroline, Lauren, & Sara at camp
Britney Griner did a dunking exhibition for all the campers
and then she signed autographs. Here is Britney Griner signing Maddie's basketball
and Maddie's t-shirt
and taking a picture with Maddie. If she keeps growing like she has been, Maddie will catch Britney soon! If you look closely, you can Britney has a black eye. The black eye came from diving after a ball, not from another player!
Kim Mulkey was also available for autographs & pictures.
Maddie really will catch her soon-probably by next basketball season!
A picture with another Lady Bear basketball player
Sara, Maddie, & Caroline
MaKalynn, Sara, Maddie, & Caroline in front of the '09-10 Lady Bear Basketball team poster.

So, our first month of summer break was filled with camps galore. Now, it's time to relax & enjoy the rest of our time at home:)

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