Saturday, October 23, 2010

Haunted Catfish???

A few weekends ago we traveled north to Waxahachie to play in a baseball tournament. Since we didn't play our first game until Saturday afternoon, most of the team decided to spend the night in Waxahachie. One of the other families on the team discovered a "haunted" restaurant called the Catfish Plantation. The kids were pumped up, and maybe a little nervous, about visiting this haunted restaurant, but were none-the-less determined to see some ghosts!

The Ghosts of the Catfish Plantation-Cooper, Mason, & Maddie

Cason in the Catfish Plantation graveyard

McCray & Jackson, more ghosts on the plantation

Maddie, Jackson, Cason, & Callan kneeling beside the headstone of one of the people who actually lived on the Catfish Plantation and who is said to haunt the plantation today.

Because of the size of our party, we could not sit inside the house, but we were assured that the ghosts have made appearances on the porch. Callan, Cason, Luke, Braden, McCray, & Jackson pose for a picture while waiting on the ghosts.

The kids were getting very impatient with the ghosts, or the lack of I should say. So, Damon, one of the dads, snuck into the bushes behind the table where the boys were sitting. We kept their attention facing forward while Damon shook the bushes behind them. Once the kids noticed the bushes moving, they were sure the ghosts had made their debut.

And Cason wasn't waiting around to find out which ghost they were going to meet! They soon realized it was only Damon and then they were back to being annoyed with ghosts.
A sweet lady from New York, who had a table inside the house, came out to smoke a cigarette & started chatting with the kids. She told them everything she knew about the ghosts that haunted Catfish Plantation, and then invited the kids to go inside the house to her table to see if the ghosts would come out to play. She was one brave lady to take 9 kids on a ghost hunt! Again, they came back disappointed, and continued to be disappointed throughout the entire meal! These kiddos were positive they were going to see ghosts.
While we didn't see any ghosts and the haunted restaurant seemed like just another restaurant, the memories we made were awesome, and the food wasn't too shabby either!

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